Richard Burrowes

Richard Richard is a New Zealander who has worked as a professional nurse since 1985. He has a strong interest in primary health care and men’s health. He works as a remote area nurse in a large primary health care clinic in an Indigenous community in the Northern Territory. He is very experienced in primary health care and has a strong background in mental health.

Richard says he chose nursing as a career as had always wanted to work with people and make a difference to their lives. During his previous visits to Cambodia he realized that this was where he wanted to volunteer.

He was struck by the degree of poverty, suffering, mental illness and disease present in the population. Men have heavy rates of smoking, injury, chronic pain and sexually transmitted diseases. The Cambodian health system has a long way to develop to meet both public health and the complex health needs of this developing country.

Richard’s hobbies are running and he is a keen Hash House Harrier, attending meets internationally.

2014 Richard with 13 week premature baby Chung at Prey Kebas Referral Hospital.
2015 Richard attending to a wound during a primary health care clinic.
Marcel Campbell RAN, Ramya Moang Cambodian RN, Richard Burrowes RAN, Carmel Horsburgh Midwife/RN
2014 Team Photo Marcel Campbell RAN, Ramya Moang Cambodian RN, Richard Burrowes RAN, Carmel Horsburgh Midwife/RN