Our next project was the construction and furnishing of a birthing room for women at Rumpe Meanchey, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia which was planned and built in 2013. Following a request from the women of the Province the birthing room was built alongside the existing government clinic at Rumpeameanchey.

In October 2013 we signed the contract for the birthing room. It was completed in 6 weeks despite the rain. We were disappointed that we could not stay for the completion.

This birthing room has the potential to provide 25,000 women with a basic safe place to birth. In March, 2014 Marcel travelled to Rumpeameanchey with Cambodian Midwife Chhong Nai Hi and Cambodian Registered Nurse Ramya Moang to attend the Buddhist blessing and official opening of the birthing room. The Buddhist ceremony was spiritually moving and attended by district the Medical Officer, Clinic Health Chief and other clinic and midwifery staff.