Without the support and friendship that our clinical and non clinical volunteers have given during the years Supporting Silk Sisters would not have achieved what we have. Although we are only a small NGO we remain focused on what we know we do best. Working at the grass roots level with individuals and families, midwifery and nursing education and our free primary health care clinics.
Volunteering is challenging and takes all of us out of comfort zone. My personal experience is that we get back what we are prepared to invest. Working in another culture challenges us as people to get out of our comfort zone, our beliefs and, values. When we are open to new experiences volunteering can be humbling, joyful, fun and an awesome learning experience.
Volunteering is not all work there is lots of time for fun and exploring. We welcome any inquiries from people interested in volunteering who are clinical, non clinical and qualified tradesmen.
2015 Team arriving Prey Kebas Dr Nourn Sophat, Marcel Campbell, Richard Burrowes ,Caro Bergan Nourn Sominea and Barry Campbell.
2015 Prey Kebas Midwives with Marcel Campbell RAN and Caro Bergan Midwife.
2016 Dr Linda Lewis (Midwifery), Marcel Campbell RAN, Daniel Campbell Flinders engineering student Richard Burrowes RAN Dr Nourn Sophat MD Olivia Mason Bryant nursing student Adelaide Uni.2016 Arriving at Pre Kebas. RAN Richard Burrowes Midwife Caro Bergan, Dr Nourn Sophat Medical Director, Nourn Sominea and Barry Campbell Administrator SSSP. 2016 Volunteers meeting with Midwife Emma Williamson and Marcel Campbell Director SSSP with our German Volunteers Sandra Brock and Sebastian Hinz our IT Gurus!
2016 Team Emma Williamson Midwife Marcel Campbell RAN Richards Burrowes RAN.
2017 Australia day primary health care clinic. Richard, Shade Marcel & Olivia with village members.
2017 Arriving Takeo Midwife Jenny Noble and Caro Bergan. Medical Student Shade McClymont. Olivia Mason-Bryant RN.Marcel Campbell RAN Richard Burrowes RAN2017 Clinical Mental Health RN’s Eileen Weekly and Maureen Hooper purchasing mental health drugs to donate to Dr Hun for use for patients who are unable to pay for medical treatment and pharmacy.2017 Our New Zealand colleague Clinical Mental Health RN Eileen Weekly with Dr Nourn Sophat, patient and Mental Health Dr Hun. Eileen and Maureen have been supporting Dr Hun and mental health in Takev Province for three years.
RAN Richard Burrowes training nurses at Prey Kabas Referral Hospital in pre hospital management of trauma patient.